Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Evolution of our Garden

Our backyard gate with morning glories. 2011
When we first bought this house, one of the things I LOVED, (and still do) is the fact that it's a corner lot.  I have always loved the look of an English Cottage style garden.  My original "vision"  was to combine an English Cottage style garden with plantings that support native birds and wildlife.  It was also important to me to have indigenous flowers and shrubs.
I looked at the house and its corner lot and could "see" beautiful gardens and winding paths that wrapped around the corner, roses and other "climbers" growing up unique supports, some veggies and herbs tucked into the garden here and there, some small flowering trees and perhaps some fruit trees.
I've tried to make this vision a reality for over ten years and recently came to terms with the fact that poor soil and an invasive weed problem, as well as other issues, make such a garden impossible to achieve and overwhelming to try to maintain.  (I'll describe some of the issues we've had on this property in future posts, in case it may help someone else).
Other motivators for changing my approach to gardening include the price and quality of store-bought produce and a rekindled interest in canning and preserving my own food----just  as my grand mother did.

To make a long story short, this year, we sought help and advice with the invasive weed problem, installed raised beds and changed the overall focus of our garden to eatables---we do still have  a goodly amount of flowers though---as we want to feed the soul as well.

We also kept a wildlife area--we just made it a little smaller.  I often get great photos of birds which I will be sure and post here.

This  blog and our you tube videos will chronicle the evolution of our garden from this point on, provide instructions for preserving food and preparing our favorite recipes and to offer support for anyone else who lives in a suburban setting and is committed to growing as much of their own food as possible

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